Thursday, March 24, 2011

The fellowshi andFaith that make changes- Rajeev Daniel, Gurukul

Text: St. Mark.2:1-12.

The cover photo of one of the Malayalam journal published recently is able to catch the attention of any person. It portrays an accident scene from the city of Kochi. A young man was met with an accident and is crushed under a lorry and was brutally injured and is dying. The more painful fact in the picture was that a group of young people almost same age of the dying man was taking his photos in their mobile phones. It really shows how insensitive we are to the cries of our fellow beings.

We too live in a society which is comprised of people who are injured or paralyzed physically, mentally, and spiritually. But as the young people in the photo, it is a sad fact that we do not take any effort to hear their pain and sorrow and to help them. These people are looking forward for our care and love. A careful listening will help us to hear their pathetic helpless cries. They expect loving approach from people like us.
It is possible that we may not get time or we may not be able to see the needy and helpless in the midst of our busy scheduled life.

But do we ever think, what happens to these brothers and sisters because of our ignorance and apathy towards their situations.
These needy and helpless people may continue to suffer because of our reactions.
As a faith community gathered here in this Lenten season, What would be our response to such challenges?
Here in this passage, we see a different picture in the approaches of the four persons to the paralytic man.
According to biblical scholars, the Gospel according to St. Mark was written first. The whole Gospel of Mark talk about a Jesus, who is compassionate and kind hearted. He consoled the destitute, healed the sick and liberated the demoniac. Jesus’ optimistic vision and action have given a new meaning to the lives of the people. His life stimulated them to start a new beginning of a better lifestyle.
The paralytic whom Mark is talking about was dependent on others to get his things done. He had to seek others compassion for his daily needs. The fellowship and faith of the four friends have created a miracle in paralytic’s life.
Today I would like to share the quality of the fellowship and faith of the four persons in the given text, which has made a tremendous change in the paralytic’s life.

1. The fellowship and faith that empathizing
The helplessness of the paralytic moves the four friends with compassion. They bring him to the presence of Jesus. These four friends represent a healing community of God which enables people to approach the divine healer, Jesus.
The attitude of the four people is an ideal example to follow in this so called modern, developed, strange and busy society.
Bardev, a Russian theologian defines, a good Christian as follows, I quote, “A Christian is one who is concerned about the other human beings”
The concern of these four people towards the needy made them good Christians according Bardev.
These four people gathered together with compassion to lead someone to healing and a better life. The nature of their gathering was empathizing. This empathizing fellowship helped them to have the fullness in faith. This faith leads them to make unity in decision making.
We can see a see a similar gathering of people in Genesis.11. As we know that the people gathered there was to build a tower to bring glory to their name. As a result they lost their communication and became scattered to different places.
What would be the reasons behind our gathering?
Is it to glorify our own names or to glorify God’s name?
Are we gathering to destroy others or to help others?
Rt.Rev.Dr. Zacharias Mar Theophilos Suffragon Metropolitan’s   book ‘ulkazhchakal’ narrates an incident happened in Mother Theresa’s life.
Once, at midnight the sisters in the convent heard someone knocking at the door. Mother Theresa opened the door and saw a crying boy wearing ragged clothes. He was abandoned by his parents. He did not have any place to go. Mother went and asked him, why he cried. He replied, ’mother, everyone has left me. I do not have anyone. Will you accept me? ‘
Mother smiled, embraced and kissed him. That was the answer for all his worries.
Likewise the church has a responsibility to uplift the problems with paralyzing effect and encourage victims. Let our fellowship and faith be an empathetic and compassionate one.

2.The fellowship and faith that generate creative action
The empathy and the compassion of these four friends were not limited in their words. But they were doing as much as they could. They did not rest until their friend was healed. They were extremely committed to their goal in helping their friend. They could overcome all the obstacles by their fellowship and commitment. Unless the society of righteous believers co-operate with each other, they won’t get a better result.

We should not make ourselves blind infront of the needy ones. So we need to remove all our obstacles, which may be the obstacle of impossibilities and selfishness. The better understanding and real faith in Christ will strengthen us to remove the obstacles. It will help us to make a better relationship with Christ and our fellow beings to have a better life.

The four persons in this text opened their eyes and were ready to take risk. So they brought the paralyzed man into the crowded house. But they could not approach Jesus due to this large crowd. They didn’t return to their way. They removed the roof and brought to Jesus.
If we run away or stand passively at the face of problems, we may not be able to have a creative engagement for the victims who are paralyzed in the society.
Christian ministry is being commercialized these days. We try to find solace in doing service and charity for our name sake. We should be willing to change this attitude and get ourselves into the reality of life. Let our life be filled with sincerity and selflessness.
Let our fellowship and faith is encouraging and helpful to others.

3.The fellowship and faith that initiate healing and transformation

Jesus Christ opens the door of his grace and healing infront of the small community of this four people. We, the believers of Christ must become the part of this healing community by leading others to Christ.
We also read in mark.7.31-37 that a deaf man is healed by Jesus, with the selfless attitude of others by bringing him to Jesus.
Some of us may hide ourselves from the problems. Some others find solutions in alcohol and other addictions. These may result in the destruction of their life.
But here these four peoples presented their needs infront of the real healer and real problem solver. The humble effort enlightens Jesus to heal the paralytic.
St. Augustine who lived before many years told about his transformations like this. ‘The power which prevented me from my filthy ways of life was my mother’s prayer and faith’
A real faith will help us to realize the possibilities of life in the midst of impossibilities. This may be beyond our understanding, but this will lead us to the real experience of healing. This healing touch of Jesus helped him to change his earlier state. The one who trusted his bed became able to carry that bed. One who served by others has become a person who serve others. His witness helped others to glorify the God. thus the faith and fellowship of the four people committed to the cause becomes the agents of transformation in the life of the objectified paralyzed man. 
Let me conclude this
This healing is the outcome of the meaningful fellowship and faith.
What would be our reaction when we see the suffering people?
Are we limiting our empathy only to our words or are we ready to find all possible ways to help the poor and the needy?
Are we able to lead these vulnerable and marginalized people to the real truth?
Doing good things for others are not an easy task. We may have faced so many problems. Many people might have criticized and misunderstood us. But we have to make an effort to be righteous.
Let us dedicate always our lives for leading a better life. Let us not be afraid of the obstacles we have to face in reaching that goal.
Let us explore our possibilities.
May the righteous God help us to lead life of compassion and empathy . Amen
[Rajeev Daniel, the Preacher of this sermon is a first year BD student in Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Institute, Chennai, India.]

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